Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away.....

I don't know about you but I am ready for a sunny Spring! I am anxious to get my Springtime projects started and (fingers crossed) finished.

Here is what will be going on around the Tin Palace this Spring:

-I am redoing the 2 flower beds in front of the Tin Palace.

-Raised garden in the back- for some vegetables. (Looking forward to having homemade soups with veggies from my garden next Fall and Winter!!)
My Dad is going to help me make the raised garden- maybe Matt can help too.  It will be a fun 3 generation project! Looking forward to some quality time with my Dad!

-Window boxes full of pretty flowers on the front of my little shed in the back.

Did I mention I am going to repaint the Tin Palace, the garage and the little shed too??  YIKES!
I am planning on being a bit ambitious this Spring (it's about time too!)
Hopefully now that it is put out there into the blogisphere,  I HAVE TO GET IT DONE!!

So with all the projects I have to get done around here, I am sending Mother Nature some love in hopes she will smile down on us with some beautiful rays of sunshine.


  1. Your little shed is so cute! Window boxes will be a great addition!

  2. Thank you!! I am excited to get it down! Pictures will be posted as projects are completed!!


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